Untitled (Armed and Dangerous)
Untitled (Armed and Dangerous)
2018; HD-video, 16:9, stereophonic audio; 06:43
by Elias ParvulescoProducer: Mykola RidnyiCast & crew: Hryhorii Lazorenko, Anna-Mariia Heinrikh, Teta Tsybulnyk, Anton PrykhodkoMusic: NeitherFamousNorRich
A museum guide shows around the historical guns room. Weapon manufacturers exhibit their latest products at the trade fair. A girl decides to resist weapon circulation in society and destroys a stolen gun.The film explores the terrains of exhibiting weapon. This is a cold masculine world where discretion turns into self-confidence and security of the few becomes a potential threat for all. Contrary to it, our protagonist prefers to believe that the world of peace is possible. She surrenders her gun to earth for safe storage and eventual decomposition.The film is part of the video series “Armed and Dangerous” by Mykola Ridnyi that focuses on the problem of militarization of the Ukrainian society, particularly the attitudes of youth towards violence and weapon.
Public screenings:31.01.-17.03.2019 at the Armed and Dangerous exhibition, Izolyatsia. Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Kyiv05.04.-04.05.2019 at the Armed and Dangerous exhibition, Yermilov Centre, Kharkiv26.05.;02.06.2019 at the Molodist Kyiv International Film Festival, Kyiv16.06.2019 at the Plarforma Tiu, Mariupol16.08.2019 at the Cherkasy Art Museum during KinoShot Film Festival, Cherkasy31.10.2019 at the Terytoriia Teroru during Feminist Workshop event, Lviv30.11.2019 at the Galerija Nova, Zagreb05.08-26.09.2021 Untitled episode from the Armed and Dangerous project will be a part of 'Art Life Forms. Conflict Check' exhibition at MMOMA, Moscow. An anti-totalitarian statement about the illegal annexation of Crimea and invasion into Ukraine by the Russian Federation is going to exhibit together with the project.