
2019; HD-video, 16:9, stereophonic audio; 09:17 / installation with found object
by Teta Tsybulnyk, Elias Parvulesco, Svitlana PototskaImage: Teta Tsybulnyk, Elias Parvulesco, Dmytro Tokar, Mykyta Tokar (from quadcopter), A.P. Yakovenko, M.P. Kostiuk from 'Zamglai is our native land' (2012) by Viktor Bachurnyi / DVZ StudioMusic: Anton PrykhodkoSound: Teta Tsybulnyk, Elias ParvulescoCommissioned by Climate Art LabsMany thanks to Iryna Zamuruieva, Viktor Bachurnyi, Yurii Karpenko, Mykola Prykhodko, Liudmyla PrykhodkoSources: Borys Hrinchenko, Viktor Bachurnyi, Svitlana Pototska, Yurii Karpenko, Yakiv Didukh
Zamglai nature reserve is one of the largest bog systems in Ukraine. Its name probably derives from the Old Kurdish word ‘zong’ meaning bog. We look at the bog phenomenon from different perspectives: as a locus of fears in the folklore of agricultural societies; as an exploited landscape in the industrial age; as a complex system of ties between species within the posthumanist paradigm; as a natural carbon sink reducing the greenhouse effect and countering climate change.
The installation that was a part of the exhibition version of the project included found objects from Zamglai bogs, herbarium from Zamglai plants, photos, postcards with the route to Zamglai, an article about the work (in Ukrainian), academic paper by Svitlana Pototska about importance of Zamglai bogs for the biodiversity and climate changes. Documentation of the exhibitions is on Climate Art Lab page.
  • Гринченко Б. Этнографические материалы, собранные в Черниговской и соседних с ней губерниях. Чернигов: Типография Губернского Земства, 1895 
  • Бачурний Віктор. Замглай наш рідний край [відео]. Замглай: Студія ДВЗ, 2012. 
  • Збірник телесюжетів. XIV. Паливо Полісся. Республіканська студія телебачення, 1973. ЦДКФФА України імені Г. С. Пшеничного. Арх. № 5620 [монтажні листи]. 
  • Карпенко Ю.О, Потоцька С.О. Екологічна, флористична та ценотична цінність замглайського болотного комплексу. (Неопублікована станом травень 2019 року стаття).

Public screenings:26.05.-02.06.2019 at the Climate Emergency Movement (Надзвичайний кліматичний рух) exhibition, Rezedentsiia molodi, Chernivtsi12-18.06.2019 at the Climate Emergency Movement (Надзвичайний кліматичний рух) exhibition, MetaCulture, Kyiv24.04-10.05.2020 at the Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival (online due the COVID-19)04.07.2020 at the VCRC's Seosonal Works / Сезонні роботи II project at the Khashchi, Kyiv25.08-26.08.2020 at the Molodist KIFF, Budynok kino, Kyiv04.09-20.09.2020 at the NHT exhibition at the Mala Galereya of Mystetskyi Arsenal (Мала галерея Мистецького арсеналу), Kyiv15,19.09.2020 during the Docudays.UA travelling screenings, Dnipro26.09.2020 at the Earthmate Eco Festival, Botanic Garden, Kyiv25.10.2020 at the UKRAINA! Festiwal Filmowy, Kino Iluzjon, Warsaw22.10.2021 as a part of the Allied – Kyiv Biennial 2021 'To Whom It May Concern' film program curated by Oleksiy Kuchanskyi, The House of Cinema, Kyiv03—15.05.2022 at Chain Reaction film program curated by Mykola Ridnyi and Alessandra Troncone at the MAXXI — Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome06.07.2022 at film program Someone Else’s Story as part of the It’s About Life program curated by Tatiana Kochubinska at ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany08-11.07.2022 at A Ukrainian Youth (2014 – 2022) film program at FIDMarseille, Festival International de Cinéma de Marseille, France18.0918.12.2022 as a part of 'To Watch the War — The Moving Image Amidst the Invasion of Ukraine (2014–2022)' exhibition curated by Olexii Kuchanskyi and Oleksiy Radynski at Coalmine — Raum für Fotografie, Winterthur, Switzerland29.11.2022, 06—12.02.2023 at Chain Reaction film program and exhibition curated by Mykola Ridnyi and Alessandra Troncone at the Kunsthalle Bratislava01.03.2023—31.12.2023 on the dafilms.com platform08.09—29.10.2023 as a part of 'To Watch the War: The Moving Image Amidst the Invasion of Ukraine (2014–2023)' exhibition curated by Olexii Kuchanskyi and Oleksiy Radynski at BAK, Utrecht, Netherlands11.11.2023 as a part of 'I Will Laugh Despite My Tears' at Phoenix Cinema, London, UK01—02.08.2024 within a retrospective at the third KORDON Art Film Festival (KOFF) at Kärdla, Hiiumaa island, Estonia16.08—22.09.2024 as a part of the exhibition Landscapes of an Ongoing Past at Salt Warehouse, UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Zeche Zollverein, Essen, Germany 23.11—08.12.2024 at Filma. Feminist Film Festival, Chicago, Berlin, Ukraine, online 18—29.12.2024 as part of Earth as a Body videoart exhibition, Meno Parkas, Kaunas, Lithuania