The Pink Map

2016; HD-video, 16:9, stereophonic audio; 14:00
By Elias ParvulescoVoice: Viktor HlonSound: Kateryna HerasymchukProducer: Teta TsybulnykMany thanks to: Aleksandra Dyoshyna, Sergey Dyoshyn
The Pink Map was one of the most ambitious projects in the history of colonial wars… And now it is a title of the imaginary café in the capital of a former empire. Did this city ever belong to me? I have no memory of it. It might as well be the city of Ulysses.
Public screenings:07.05.2016 at the International Festival of Film and Urbanism ""86"", Slavutych, Ukraine20.07.2016 at the Odesa International Film Festival, Ukraine 01.09.2016-14.09.2016 during distribution in Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Zaporizhia, Kharkiv (by ""86Prokat"")24.06.2017 at the IZOLYATSIA. Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Kyiv, Ukraine31.05.2019 at the ISalaam Cinema, Baku, Azerbaijan06.07.2022 at film program Someone Else’s Story as part of the It’s About Life program curated by Tatiana Kochubinska at ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany